Other Services

Creditor Representation:

Occasionally, someone that owes you money will file a bankruptcy case. What should you do? If that happens to you, and if you believe that person or entity may own some valuable assets (or if you are uncertain as to whether they do or not), consult bankruptcy counsel right away in order to make sure that you properly and timely assert your claim. A competent bankruptcy attorney can advise you as to how to timely assert your claim and the likelihood of getting any recovery. However, there are very strict deadlines as to asserting your claim that require you to act quickly. This office represents clients in getting paid their fair share shout the bankruptcy process.

Financial Education

Our current educational system does a very poor job of educating our children on how to properly handle money and financial issues.

For example, did you know:

• How to determine whether to put a vehicle in both spouse’s names or not?
• There are ways to greatly reduce monthly expenses for college students?
• There are special ways to title property that can save that property if one of spouses experience severe financial issues?

It is appalling how little financial education is being provided through the school systems in this country. The firm has designed several courses on handling financial issues. One of these programs is addressed to young adults that are about to go away to college and provides some useful advice on how to exit their educational experience with their advanced degrees, and their wallets, in tact. Another course is designed to advise young (or not so young) couples, that are about to get married, on how to set up and handle their financial matters. The firm, is also available to speak to groups looking for speakers that can provide guidance on general financial matters and on how individuals can avoid future financial issues.